Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pin Cushion Swap

I signed up for the pin cushion swap hosted by sewSpun in the first week of August.  I got a really cool book about making your own pin cushions last Christmas, so I was happy to finally be able to use it!  

I discovered that I had enough do-dads in my sewing stash to make one of the patterns in the book that I liked. 

I learned some embroidery stitches, like the satin stitch (or applique stitch?)...

... and the whip stitch for adding the ribbon side.

And here is the finished product, Ta Da!  My first hand-made pin cushion!  I really like how it turned out, and I hope that my swap partner likes it too.  

Here is the lovely pin cushion that I just received in the mail from my partner.  The colors don't show up well in the picture, but it is a blue and brown flower pattern on the top, with a matching brown bottom.  She also included some cute buttons (which also don't show well in the picture, sorry) and a bunch of flower-topped pins. 

I love it!  Thank you Stephanie!

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