I've fallen behind in posting the activities of my knitting/crafting group on here. The Saturday before last we decided to forgo the usual coffee shop knitting meeting and go over to Cheryl's house so Betsy could show us how to make our own soap. I should have taken notes about exactly what went into this soap, because it came out really well. I'm sure someone else there was more diligent than I was. I do know that there is yummy stuff like olive oil and coconut oil being weighed out in that bowl.

She added a mix of several different essential oils, including lavender and patchouli - it smells awesome!
The mix was then poured into this nifty mold Betsy's husband made to set overnight. Cheryl and I cut them into bars the next day and set them out to cure. Just a few more weeks until we get to use it!
We did bring our knitting with us so we could get a little work done while the soap cooled. This is a shot of us showing off a couple of our projects. Lynda is modeling a beautiful fair isle hat that Betsy just finished, and I'm holding my work-in-progress gathered pullover.
1 comment:
The soap-making looks cool! Wish I could have been there... I bet it's going to smell awesome too.
As always, it's great to see photos of you guys. XOXO
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